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Preventive Care

Everyone, including young children, should visit the dentist at least once every six months. Permanent teeth are designed to last a lifetime. The risk of tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss can be reduced with good oral hygiene, a low-sugar diet, use of a mouthguard when playing sport, and […]

General Dentistry

Fissure sealants protect teeth from decay. Any tooth that has deep grooves or fissures can be treated, but the most commonly treated teeth are the molars and premolars. A sealant is a liquid solution that is painted on to the biting surface of a cleaned tooth, and which sets as a […]

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a procedure that replaces a tooth’s damaged or infected pulp with a filling. The ‘pulp’ is a sensitive tissue that provides oxygen, nutrients and feeling to the tooth. It is housed in the hollow centre of a tooth (pulp chamber), along with blood vessels and nerves. Once […]


We aim to preserve your natural teeth as much as possible. However, extensively damaged or badly decayed teeth may need to be removed (extracted). We may also recommend extraction to deal with wisdom teeth that are causing problems. Wisdom teeth can contribute to various dental problems, including overcrowding of the […]